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CDC Guidelines
(855) 490-7786
(410) 575-1550


(855) 490-7786
(410) 575-1550

Terms of Use


Welcome to ( the site). The site is owned and operated by CREWTEL USA, LLC. A limited liability corporation incorporated in MARYLAND ,USA. References to CREWTEL US “we” and “us” throughout these terms of use. This site is operated, managed from CREWTEL USA, head office in Linthicum MD.


You agree that you are at least 18 years of age and you work /retired for/from a registered airline operates in USA, and possess the legal authority to access and to use this “site” and content data, and information contained herein (collectively  “content”) in accordance with the terms and conditions provided below( terms of use). You agree to be financially responsible for your use of this site. you agree to supervise all usage by minors of this site under your name or CREWARD account. You also agree that all information provided by you or members of your household in using this site is true and accurate. You agree the reservation services of this site shall be used only to make legitimate reservations or purchases for you or for another family member for whom you are legally authorized to act. You understand that overuse or abuse of the reservation service (provided by us) of this site may result in your being denied access to such services. For any reservations or other services for which fees may charged, you agree to abide the terms and conditions of purchase imposed, including, but not limited to, payment of all amounts when due and compliance with all rules and restrictions regarding availability of rates, early check in or late check out, products, and services. You shall be completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes, and assessments arising out of the use of this site. IF you have been provided or will be provided with a login and password, then any such login and password are for your personal use only, you may not reveal your login or password to anyone else or permit anyone else to use your login and password to access this site. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your login and password, and you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. You must   notify us immediately if the security of your login or password has been breached. We reserve the right to change the terms of use and conditions under which the content and the site are offered at any time.


CREWTEL USA , LLC grants you a limited, revocable and non-exclusive rights to access and make personal use of this site and the content exclusively to inquire about or make travel reservations and related services, including services relating to enrollment in CREWARD, CREWTEL USA,LLC rewards program and discounts membership. You are responsible for all activities that take place with regards to these limited rights and your access to and use of this site. You may not authorize any third  party individual, entity, or service to access or use this site on your behalf.

CREWTEL USA loyalty and discount card (CREWARD)

You agree to authorize CREWTEL USA to automatically charge you BANK ACCOUNT (the membership fees of $5.00 monthly) every quarter the amount of $15.00. this amount will be charged every beginning of the quarter( JAN,APRIL, JULY, OCT), every year. You agree and understand that your membership will be cancelled if not paid on time. you also agree  that you will be charged $40.00 for any insufficient funds for a return check. ( as a courtesy from us  NO MEMBERSHIP FEES  until 12/31/2021).


This site contain links to sites owned and operated by parties other than CREWTEL USA. Such links provided for your convenience only. We do not control and we are not responsible for , the content or privacy polices on, or the security of such sites. Without limiting the foregoing, and unless otherwise prohibited by the laws of you jurisdiction. WE specifically disclaims any responsibilities if such sites infring any third party’s intellectual property rights, or, inaccurate, or, incomplete or misleading, or, are not merchantable, or. Fit for a particular purpose, or, do not provide adequate security and privacy ,or, contain viruses or other items of a destructive nature, or, are libelous, or, defamatory, WE, CREWTEL USA, does not endorse the content, or any products or services available on such sites, except the reservation link and rates offered to CREWTEL USA. If you do establish a link other than our reservation link to such sites, you do so at your own risk.


Except where prohibited by law, this site and the content are provided AS IS without warranty, representation, condition, undertaking, or term of any kind. Express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, non infringement of intellectual property, or fitness for a particular purpose, we do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items of this site or its content. We may make changes to the content, or the programs, policies, or other information described in the content, at any time without notice, we make no commitment to update the content.


Except where prohibited by law, in no event we shall be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including loss of profits or data, whether in an action in contract or tort, arising out of the use or performance of this site or the content, or the performance or non performance of CREWTEL USA, or any third party providers of products or services related to this site. This limitation of liability of whether the claim asserted is based on contract, negligence, or any other theory of recovery, , if we were advised of the possibility of such damages.


Unless prohibited by the laws of your jurisdiction, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these TERMS OF USE  or relating to the use of this site or the content contained in this site shall be governed by the laws of the state of MARYLAND, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, exclusive of the choice of law rules thereof, and shall be resolved in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY  court in MARYLAND.


All notices and other communications permitted or required by the provisions of these TERMS OF USE may be given by electronic mail, post mail, ONLY. Notice is deemed given upon receipt by you if sent by electronic mail or post mail.